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Orthopedic Surgery

Our veterinarians perform orthopedic surgeries for cats and dogs in the Lake Norman area that are affected by injuries or disorders of the joints or skeletal system. 

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What is orthopedic surgery?

Orthopedic surgery for pets consists of surgical procedures that address the joints, skeletal system, and the associated soft tissues, including muscles, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments.

Our advanced imaging and diagnostic tools help us provide an accurate and effective orthopedic diagnosis so treatment can begin as soon as possible.

From the initial screening and diagnostic stage to the surgery and post-operative care, our team is has the training and resources to help if your pet presents with an orthopedic condition. 

Orthopedic Surgery, Mooresville

Common Orthopedic Conditions

There is a wide range of orthopedic conditions that affect cats and dogs. The following are among the most common:

Hip Dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is the medical term for a hip socket that doesn't fully cover the ball portion of the upper thighbone, allowing the hip joint to become partially or completely dislocated. It is most common in German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, and other large breed dogs.

Total hip replacement is the most effective surgical treatment for hip dysplasia. The surgeon replaces the entire joint with metal and plastic implants, returning hip function to a more normal range.

Disc Disease

Just like humans, dogs can develop disc problems in their necks and backs. Breeds that commonly suffer from neck disc problems are Cocker Spaniels, Poodles, Dachshunds, and Lhasa Apsos. Large breed dogs are more likely to have chronic lower back issues. 

Dogs with advanced disc disease should have surgery as soon as possible. The sooner that surgery is done, the better the prognosis.

Cruciate Ligament Tears

Torn cruciate ligaments in dogs, just like in people, must be surgically repaired to prevent arthritis. Many different types of surgical procedures can be used to repair this injury, and the type used typically depends on the size of the dog.

CCL surgery for dogs may include several different techniques that aim to provide stability to the joint.

Orthopedic Surgery FAQs

  • What happens during the surgical consultation?

    During the surgical consultation, we will perform a physical exam and review your pet’s medical history. Blood work and any other diagnostic tests that are needed to determine the nature of your pet's condition will also be undertaken at this time.

    Diagnostics may include X-rays, a CT scan, an ultrasound, or biopsies. Once the results are back, a plan for surgery is developed and discussed with you.

  • Will the surgery and consultation happen on the same day?

    No. The consultation appointment is required for testing and examination, to determine the nature of your pet's health problem. Once any diagnostic test results have come back from our lab, a surgery appointment can be scheduled.

  • How long will the surgery take?

    Orthopedic surgeries typically last between two to four hours, depending on the type of surgery being performed and on your pet’s specific condition.

  • Does my pet have to stay at the hospital overnight either before or after the surgery?

    Depending on the time of day that the surgery is scheduled, it may be necessary to drop your pet off the night before.

    Many of our patients need to stay with us overnight after surgery so that we can monitor them as they recover. Depending on the type of surgery that is performed and how quickly they recover after anesthesia and surgery, your pet may be able to go home on the same day.

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New Patients Welcome

Lake Norman at Mooresville Animal Hospital is accepting new patients! Our veterinarians are passionate about improving the health of cats, dogs and exotic pets. Book your pet's first appointment today.

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Book Online (704) 664-4087